Sunday, July 12, 2009

Coming soon: SmartChart v1.3

SmartChart v.1.3 will be released soon. It's a pretty huge update.
It will include bug fixes for iPhone OS 3.0 (which causes some bugs), a new chart type and some other new features.
Look for this update soon. I'll post here when it becomes available.


  1. I just bought this excellent product which satisfies some of my needs EXCEPT Scatter Chart.

    Unfortunately using the scatter chart I cannot plot x-value against y-value (the usual definition of "Scatter").

    An example of the data series I wish to plot is:
    Datapoint 1, x axis = value 1a and y axis= value 1b
    Datapoint 2, x = value 2a, y = 2b
    Datapoint 3, x = value 3a, y = 3b
    Thus each data point has TWO values.

    The graph displays each data point as a marker at x,y. There could also be an option (on/off) to display a line joining datapoints in the sequence of the data entry.

    QUESTION 1: Do you plan to offer this type of graph?
    QUESTION 2: In addition to above could we use a date value for x axis (such as YYYY/MM/DD or some other convenient format)

    Uses of this type of x-y graph are wide-spread. I could for example chart my weight taken on different days (not necessarily every day) or distance run compared with outside temperature, etc.


  2. Thanks for your comment and yes, you're right. I plan to offer this type of graph (scatter chart with x + y values) in a future version.
    Your second question is a good idea too - at the moment you can also enter a date manually.
    Version 1.3 was already submitted to the app store, hope apple will release it soon as the current version is causing some minor bugs with OS 3.0.

  3. I am waitting for the Chinese version.
